Gratitude and appreciation
Being an inspiring leader entails recognizing the hard work and contribution of your team to achieve the overall goals of an organization. A leader who acknowledges and appreciates his...
Read MoreBeing an inspiring leader entails recognizing the hard work and contribution of your team to achieve the overall goals of an organization. A leader who acknowledges and appreciates his...
Read MoreEl liderazgo es una de las cualidades más valiosas que una persona puede poseer. Lo que muchos no saben es que la escritura puede ser una herramienta poderosa para...
Read MoreLas mariposas son sin duda algunas de las criaturas más hermosas y fascinantes que existen en el mundo. Su delicado vuelo y sus coloridos patrones han cautivado a los...
Read MoreDía 6Reto Financiero y de Agradecimiento06.05.2023 «Aquí te dejo el resumen del libro Padre Rico y Padre Pobre de Robert Kiyosaki: El libro Padre Rico y Padre Pobre es...
Read MoreUna pequeña historia para inspirar. «Era una vez, en un pequeño pueblo en Uci Yucatán, vivía una joven llamada Emily. Emily era una chica muy inteligente y talentosa que...
Read MoreI wish you to listen to your truth, and to say it, with full awareness that it is only your truth, not that of the other. That you expose...
Read MoreAdriana’s Daily Quotes: Why we feel so tired when a big project is finished? The brain releases dopamine, a hormone associated with both motivation and happiness, in anticipation of...
Read MoreAdriana’s daily Quotes: If you see the beauty of life and the world; of what others do and have, it is because, that beauty and all that goodness are...
Read MoreAdriana’s daily Quotes: Leadership is changing at a rapid pace. Avoid being obsolete. Leadership is not about micromanaging, having a firm voice. The evolving leadership is about finding the...
Read MoreFrases inspiradoras de mi libro: Una Extraña EnergíaFrase No. 63 «No le temas a lo desconocido, no le temas cuando alguien nos hace una pregunta que nos hace sentir...
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