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Read MorePoema Amanecer, autora: Adriana Rodríguez "Nubes pinceladas de rosa, amarillo, violeta enmarcan mi balcón. Mi rostro se ilumina con la presencia de mi ruiseñor. ¡Qué belleza!Caricias de otoño me...
Read MoreLife is better if we add a little confetti every day
Read MoreMake them yours! Life is about grabbing those special moments and keep them close to your Hart. Adriana Rodríguez Grab the moments, don’t let them scape. They are yours,...
Read MoreEveryday we are blessed with new opportunities to take a chance on us. Take a chance on you today! Adriana Rodríguez Español: Todos los días somos bendecidos con nuevas...
Read MoreEveryday we are blessed with new opportunities to take a chance on us. Take a chance on you today! Adriana Rodríguez Español: Todos los días somos bendecidos con nuevas...
Read MoreRamblings of a broken heart:"You can hear the silence of friends, although no one says a word.Questions and whys replace ideas and smiles,You can hear the silence on social...
Read MoreStop hiding from yourself. You are already a wonderful human being. One being filled with opportunities Adriana Rodríguez Español: Deja de esconderte de tí mismo. Tú eres ya un...
Read MoreFind the great story of your life and help others heal through your gifts and purpose Adriana Rodríguez What are your gifts from the universe and what are you...
Read MoreMake small shifts to grow again. Within you are all the answers. Trust the process! Adriana Rodríguez Make a list of what is working today? What are your strengths,...
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