Stop hiding from yourself!
Stop hiding from yourself. You are already a wonderful human being. One being filled with opportunities Adriana Rodríguez Español: Deja de esconderte de tí mismo. Tú eres ya un...
Read MoreStop hiding from yourself. You are already a wonderful human being. One being filled with opportunities Adriana Rodríguez Español: Deja de esconderte de tí mismo. Tú eres ya un...
Read MoreStop being the working bee, be the Queen bee. Adriana Rodríguez Ready to step into the big world. Ready to start your own business, Ready to climb the ladder....
Read MoreMake small shifts to grow again. Within you are all the answers. Trust the process! Adriana Rodríguez Make a list of what is working today? What are your strengths,...
Read MoreWhat does not let you advance? Your new ideas should not necessarily coincide with your culture, your origin. With understanding we can separate ourselves from what no longer serves...
Read MoreDo not get used to living without reasons. Get used to living from gratitude Adriana Rodríguez Make a list of your life purpose and live it to the fullest...
Read MoreWe can not get wise when we are so busy with trivial things. Don’t waste it your time! Adriana Rodríguez Check how you are using your time? Always ask...
Read More«Forgiving ourselves does not mean that we then have the right to keep hurting ourselves by doing that same thing over and over again.» Adriana Rodríguez Check your habits,...
Read MoreCelebrar cada pequeño triunfo y cada uno de tus aprendizajes. Adriana Rodríguez Celebra tus propias victorias porque solo tú sabes cuánto esfuerzo te llevo para alcanzarlas. No sobre escatimes...
Read MoreAlgo que aprendí desde pequeña es que el enfocarte en crear valor, en contribuir y el ayudar a otros a sobresalir siempre te ayudará a ti a mejorar. Aquí...
Read MoreAquí te dejo un hermoso testimonio de uno de mis miembros y clientes en el Reto Financiero. Viviana Barnwell es una persona a la que admiro mucho porque ella...
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