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Exchange. Ready to learn to barter!

There is no doubt that we are in the worst world crisis in over 70 years.  80% of the population has never experienced something like this. 

The crisis will initially affect the exchange of goods and services between regions and countries, and also local businesses. 

As such it will affect the industry in general and the economy of all families. 

As we all need to know, the financial flow is the counterpart of the real flow and the latter is falling. 

Most will start to feel it until June but the multinationals are already starting to feel it and many families too.

Barter is something that can help in the world economy.
I recommend you to exchange /barter:

1. Services exchange
2. Product exchange
3. Exchange of services for product. Products for Services.

Exchange of products for services. Services for what ever you need…

I have used it all the time. However today it is more important than ever. We need to learn to do it.

In times of crisis learn to exchange products and services to stay productive and to learn new methods of being motivated and growing your business.

Use your creativity and imagination. You are the solution!

Tomorrow we are starting the new financial challenge.  Let’s learn the habits to be prosperous and let’s save for those great vacations from our bucket list.  Join is free and it will be great.
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