Es tiempo de considerar reinventarnos para lograr nuestra nueva competividad. Ésta vez deberíamos de poner un liderazgo deliberadamente conciente aunado a entender las diferencias culturales como oportunidades para construir...
Acuérdate que el que no sabe manejar bien sus emociones, no maneja bien sus inversiones. Me encanta esta frase, porque realmente la única cosa que nos detiene a ser...
Tengo la emoción a flor de piel. He recibido tantísimos mensajes que muchos de Uds están sanando sus deudas aún en tiempos de pandemia. Otros están empezando a generar...
Everyone needs to have a digital mindset. Not matter if you are just a student or an executive in a large corporation. We all need to have a Digital...
Keep a closer eye on your attitude. The environment and the people around do not have to determine your attitude. Keep a clear dialogue between your brain & feelings...
The phrase going back to normal it’s a thing of the past. I believe the new phrase is: anticipate and adapt quickly. Customer experience and creating new value are...
Creating value is to talk about the things that matter! Impact the world with value. Giving value will never be out of style! Take the opportunity to really impact...
IF you are one of those incredibly talented persons who can basically do everything, this is your time to shine in the information age. Make a long list of...
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