La lámpara mágica y creer en uno mismo
un cuento mágico con sabiduría
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Read MoreUna pequeña historia para inspirar. «Era una vez, en un pequeño pueblo en Uci Yucatán, vivía una joven llamada Emily. Emily era una chica muy inteligente y talentosa que...
Read MoreAdriana’s daily QuotesAs a leader do your best at every opportunity you have. Leadership is not about being in charge, it’s about taking care of those in charge. Being...
Read MoreAdriana’s daily Quotes: When we discover how beautiful we are and how much we are worth, a world of opportunities opens up before us. We are all unique and...
Read MoreDaily Quotes from Adriana Rodríguez: There are a few phrases that are often thrown around when people are talking about important characteristics to have, with ‘taking initiative’ and ‘being...
Read MoreBeing responsible for growing your business is one of the most rewarding and challenging aspects of running any company.While the company resources are not infinite. That means being able...
Read MoreGive enough attention to everyone. Make it count! Personal attention from the manager for each team member promotes good performance and self-confidence. Employee recognition is one of the most...
Read MoreFrases inspiradoras de mi libro: Una Extraña EnergíaFrase No. 45 «Comparte lo que más valoras y disfruta lo mucho que los otros disfrutan de lo que compartes.» Llegar el...
Read MoreFrases inspiradoras de mi libro: Una Extraña Energía Frase No. 28» Las personas no compran servicios o productos; ellos compran historias.» Cuando cuentas tu historia, muestras tus valores, te...
Read MoreFrases inspiradoras de mi libro: Una Extraña Energía Frase No. 26» Todos debemos tener una buena y valiosa razón para que los clientes nos quieran escuchar. « Los clientes...
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