My smile is my legacy!
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Read MoreYour truths can be perfect lies to others. Adriana Rodríguez Your truthfulness, your honesty, your observations create your own truth. When you’re tired of your own lies Your true...
Read MoreWherever you go inspire and be present to raise everyone to a higher level. Adriana Rodríguez Español: A dondequiera que vayas, inspira y ayuda a elevar a todos a...
Read MoreWho can silence their fears goes further. Adriana Rodríguez And always remember: Older people celebrate the creativity of young people and young people celebrate adults for their wise decisions...
Read MoreStop being the working bee, be the Queen bee. Adriana Rodríguez Ready to step into the big world. Ready to start your own business, Ready to climb the ladder....
Read MoreThinking outside the box, not afraid of falling, how successful and how far can you go? Adriana Rodríguez Instead of pushing your IDEAS into others, inspire them to make...
Read MoreMake small shifts to grow again. Within you are all the answers. Trust the process! Adriana Rodríguez Make a list of what is working today? What are your strengths,...
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