Take the initiative today!
Daily Quotes from Adriana Rodríguez:
There are a few phrases that are often thrown around when people are talking about important characteristics to have, with ‘taking initiative’ and ‘being proactive…(do it now)’ being two of the most common. This is because they are both key attributes to have in any industry, but especially in competitive industries.
Initiative is the ability to be resourceful and work without always being told what to do. It requires resilience and determination.
People who show initiative demonstrate they can think for themselves and take action when necessary.
The Characteristics of Being Proactive and Taking Initiative(do it now!)
●Long Term Perspective
●Reaching Goals and Intentions
●Growth Mindset
● Punctuality
● High Confidence and Self esteem
Remember: Not all goals and tasks are equally important, so learn to prioritise those that matter most & always go above and beyond what people expect of you, and do more than what you have been asked.
Whether you are an employee at work or an individual at home, both of these things can help you to get ahead and succeed in life.
