The Whisper of the Abyss

«The Whisper of the Abyss
In the twilight of my soul,
as shadows stretch long and deep,
and silence drapes over my spirit
like a veil of sleeping stars,
I stand at the crossroads of existence.
The abyss, vast and wordless,
opens before me, its darkness calling,
asking in its quiet gaze:
How do we surrender to the void
without being lost in nothingness?
The answer arrives like a breath,
like the whisper of wind on my skin:
Peace is not found in reason,
but in the unfathomable mystery
woven into the core of our being.
I look to the sky:
clouds dance in fleeting embrace,
shifting, dissolving, reborn—
like thoughts, like time, like life itself.
The sea hums its ageless song,
a hymn without end,
singing truths we have long forgotten.
And in this sacred moment,
my body softens, my edges blur,
and I understand, in the depth of stillness,
that the key is not to fight the darkness
but to ignite my own light.
Love yourself, my heart murmurs,
for in self-love lies the purest freedom,
the courage to exist without fear,
the tenderness to embrace our own humanity.
So, I dive into the abyss
and find the light.
Like a lighthouse in the night,
self-love becomes my guide.
Shine, shine,
and never let anyone
dim your fire.»
— Adriana Rodríguez
And you? Have you ever heard the whisper of self-love echoing in the quiet corners of your soul? Share your thoughts in the comments.