Let’s us celebrate today. It is alright to celebrate each day. Every day is special. Every day is a treat. Today, it’s my birthday and I hold this special...
Read MoreLet’s us celebrate today. It is alright to celebrate each day. Every day is special. Every day is a treat. Today, it’s my birthday and I hold this special...
Read MoreThere are many shades of grey to this question. The key is to define what are those shades of grey!
Read MoreThe phrase going back to normal it’s a thing of the past. I believe the new phrase is: anticipate and adapt quickly. Customer experience and creating new value are...
Read MoreDay 32 staying at home due to the pandemic...
Read MoreTake action to succeed
Read MoreThis too shall pass» a Persian adage to reflect a temporary nature or human condition. You have a choice to be proactive and productive or to be reactivate and...
Read MoreMe gusta mucho crear conciencia que empoderar a otros no es sólo exclusivamente de los gurús. Todos podemos empoderar y implusar a otros y conectar. Me motiva mucho haber...
Read MorePero ella no se siente que es ella la que está logrando todo esto. Sé siente impostora y tiene miedo que pronto descubran que no es ella la que...
Read MoreDéjate consentir por nuestra hermosa y maravillosa naturaleza. Experimenta grandes momentos en el pintoresco puerto de pescadores de Telchac Puerto. Casa Turquesa Telchac ofrece servicios personalizados, pensando siempre en...
Read MoreInnovar para crecer y desenvolverse a gran velocidad
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