Digital Mindset
Everyone needs to have a digital mindset. Not matter if you are just a student or an executive in a large corporation. We all need to have a Digital Mindset.
Having a digital mindset implies a new set of values and principles for our organizations or our entrepreneurships. It starts with how our followers and our customers will perceive our individual brand or the organization’s brand that we represent.
The leaders of any organization size needs to visualize and implement how to evolve in the digital era. It’s not longer possible to stay the way we are; We all need to evolve and move forward.
A few good questions to start will be:
How to strengthen our digital knowledge and how to reflect it in our daily activities?
What are the differences between a digital mindset and having a digital skillset?
Data, analytics are key things that we all need to become familiar in the digital era. However, some good words of advice listen to your intuition when your data is not clear. Follow your intuition and investigate more in depth in those critical areas.
A digital mindset allows to take decisions about all processes. For example: Who is taking care of maintaining our old systems? Who and how is decided when a program or process is already obsolete? In a super market all the expired products are removed from the shelfs. Who does it in your company? In your small entrepenurships?
A digital mindset it is taking risk and explore new opportunities, but always keeping the people in the hart of the operation and the values of your brand.
People and leaders should be the focus point of all transformations.
The technology, AI and all the new applications are there to support our digitalization, but the people makes the changes.
We can not change our values with out changing the mind and harts of our people.
One of my bosses used to say and it is very valid today: Culture bits strategy every time. I think this quote does not have a real owner. The closest, I could find was from MIT professor Edgar Schein from his book: Organizational Culture & Leadership, but I like it a lot and I used it all the time.
Culture determines and limits strategy
MIT psychology professor Edgar Schein
For me, a digital mindset is how to spread it inside the harts of my people. How to strengthen their business acumen and how to inspire them. If done right, they will inspire and mobilize their teams and a digital mindset and digital transformation activities will be reflected across their organizations.
Digital Mindset it is to leverage what our teams learned and together with their unique abilities to create new digital value.
Adriana Rodríguez
What are you doing to have a digital mindset?