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Feeling tired after a big project finished?

Adriana’s Daily Quotes:

Why we feel so tired when a big project is finished?

The brain releases dopamine, a hormone associated with both motivation and happiness, in anticipation of reward. So when you plan and know you’re going to work for something, you’re in biological position to feel good. Each milestone gives you another dopamine hit, which makes you want to keep going with the job. But when you reach your goal, that release of dopamine drops. It’s harder for you biochemically to have joy.

Ways to reactivate our selves:
1. Create a sequence. Learn to associate the end of a project with the start of a new one.
2. Have a básquet of new projects to start. Refocus your gears to the new project.
3. Have time to reflect and get the lessons learned. Take the time to pause and learned how you grew in knowledge and experience.
Then list all the things you will apply in the new project.
4. Take time to listen to your inner self. Get back and take care of all the other parts you forgotten about you, while you were so busy with the project. Take time to smell the roses.
5. Mentor, Coach or write your learnings (like I am doing now).
When you mentor or coach after completion of a big goal and you share your insights, it feels like your work will be lasting and have a real purpose.


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