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Sunk cost and your life?

Do you know that many people continue in the wrong relation, in the wrong house in the wrong business because of sunk costs. Perpahs your sunk costs is affecting your life? And you don’t even know it.

Are you one of them?

  • Have you invested a lot of time, money and effort for example in fixing your car therefore you can not sale it or buy a new one?
  • Have your invested too much time and money into your home and you still not happy? You don’t like your neighborhood or is the house too big for you?
  • Is your business not producing what it should be, and you keep throwing more money at it with out seeing the results, the ROI?
  • Have you invested long time in a relationship and your boyfriend or girlfriend still don’t want to commit to the next step? O perhaps you are not longer happy in your relationship, you both growing apart from each other and you don’t want to take the next step because all the time and effort you dedicate to this realationship? Or you simply scare to be alone?
  • Do you keep playing on line games because you still don’t get back all the money you invested? You know you don’t want to do it any more but you still doing it?

Are you spending hours, time and or money in things that not longer have sense? Or don’t make you happy? That is sunk costs!

Do you see reflected in any of above examples. I am sure we all have our own examples.

Be honest!

  • Is your relationship toxic and it is better to split and go in separate ways?
  • Is your online game has become an addiction and your are trapped and don’t know what to do next?
  • Are you in the wrong business, the new digital economy put you out of business? Is your business costing you more than it is producing?

Don’t allow that the sunk costs dictate your life.

Make that decision. You can do it!

Life is beautiful and you don’t need to keep holding onto things or relationships that are not bringing any joy, happiness or value return into your life.

Don’t let your sunk cost be a dead fish!

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