Reto Financiero: Día 19
Aquí te dejo un hermoso testimonio de uno de mis miembros y clientes en el Reto Financiero. Viviana Barnwell es una persona a la que admiro mucho porque ella...
Read MoreAquí te dejo un hermoso testimonio de uno de mis miembros y clientes en el Reto Financiero. Viviana Barnwell es una persona a la que admiro mucho porque ella...
Read MoreRecuerda que hoy empezamos la segunda quincena del reto Financiero y volvemos a empezar ahorrar una cantidad menor. Hoy solo 6 euros. Estamos ahorrando 500 euros o equivalente. ¿Y...
Read MoreTengo la emoción a flor de piel. He recibido tantísimos mensajes que muchos de Uds están sanando sus deudas aún en tiempos de pandemia. Otros están empezando a generar...
Read MoreEveryone needs to have a digital mindset. Not matter if you are just a student or an executive in a large corporation. We all need to have a Digital...
Read MoreThere are many shades of grey to this question. The key is to define what are those shades of grey!
Read MoreThe phrase going back to normal it’s a thing of the past. I believe the new phrase is: anticipate and adapt quickly. Customer experience and creating new value are...
Read MoreI love this phrase: One Step at the time. We probably need to learn to do things differently to pick up the pace. However one step at the time...
Read MoreDo you know that good luck is the opposite of crisis. One of the most interesting benefits of focusing on the opposite is "How to defeat the fears of entrepreneurs...
Read MoreCreating value is to talk about the things that matter! Impact the world with value. Giving value will never be out of style! Take the opportunity to really impact...
Read MoreYou’ll look back a year from now as the time you were brave and stepped up while others decided to stick their heads in the sand and play it...
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