We don’t always have to be brave and powerful to be strong.
We don’t always have to be brave and powerful to be strong. Sometimes our strength is expressed by being vulnerable. Sometimes, we need to tear ourselves apart in order to rebuild ourselves, and continue on the path.
We all have days when we can’t push any harder. That we can’t contain self-doubt, that we can’t stop concentrating on fear, that we can’t be strong.
There are days when we can’t focus on being responsible. Occasionally, we don’t want to take our pajamas off. Sometimes we cry in front of others. We expose our tiredness, our irritability or our anger.
There is nothing wrong with those days. They have nothing wrong. Part of taking care of ourselves means giving ourselves permission to «let go» when we need it. We don’t have to be perpetual towers of strength. We are strong. We have tested it. We will remain strong even when we have the courage to allow ourselves to feel fearful, weak, and vulnerable when we need to experience those feelings.
