Redefining our Attitude
I would like to share a small fragment of my new book:
«From one day to the next you realize that this attitude to see your world is no longer useful to you.
And then you come to a point that you feel controlled by your habits and beliefs and you do not know how to manage your life to get out of this hole that you’ve just been digging for the past years.
And then it’s time to redefine our attitude.
But what does it mean to redefine our attitude?
It is being able to take a journey into ourselves and discover what really makes us happy.
It is being able to have absolute control and management of our emotions to redefine ourselves.
It is to pluck our wounds and gradually flood our journey with the new challenges of life.
It is being able to choose our prosperity above all else and it is being able to harvest from all our teachings.
It is being part of your own growth and sharing your best moments, decisions and your most exciting experiences.
It is to nurture our being and confirm in ourselves our new commitments. And what we must totally discard.
It is being able to have the privilege of celebrating each day with ourselves.
It is not aging without savoring pure happiness.
Finally, it is having the courage to face ourselves and discover ourselves again. It is thus being able to redefine our new attitude towards life.
Let’s toast to our happiness, toast to another opportunity to redefine our future.
Be great, be you «
While I was writing my book, I used aromatherapy to find the calm and inspiration that I needed. It is so good for you. Please check my link and give it a try: